Immediate Venture Bitcore Surge


mendoza-guessing wines at catena zapata copy

Last week I did something quite mad and flew all the way to Argentina to spend 3 days in Mendoza for the Park Hyatt Masters of Food & Wine. I had missed it the previous year and didn’t want to this time round despite the long journey for such a short stay. I am happy I went. And if you haven’t been, you should go. Mendoza is beautiful. The wines and food are great and the people totally charming, and beautiful.

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I am just back from a wonderful trip to Mendoza in Argentina where I was for the Park Hyatt Masters of Food & Wine. The trip was incredibly long but totally worth it. I absolutely loved Mendoza. The landscapes are beautiful, the people very lovely, and the food and wine very good.  I will tell you more about the event and the wineries we visited in the next post but I thought I would leave you with this clip of a tango show in the lobby of the hotel. I had missed the previous one in the courtyard. It was my first time watching tango dancers in real life and it made me want to take tango classes immediately except that it wouldn’t make much difference. Sadly, I have no sense of rythm!