Immediate Venture Bitcore Surge



I was looking at a great blog called Chroniques du Plaisir which has several features (it was my month of … or beauty of July or elegant of January) that I really like. I can’t copy it was my month of … because I am not yet adept at making photo montages. One day soon. But I thought I’d copy the idea of beauty of the month, changing it slightly and giving it a Middle Eastern slant. So, my first choice for this month is a video showing some of the best belly dancers of the black and white era (some carried on into colour films and into relative old age), including Tahiya Carioca and Samia Gamal, which I will follow up every month with a video of an individual belly dancer. I have already posted belly dance videos as a distraction from all things culinary but now it’ll become a regular feature, and a regular distraction! Hope you enjoy it.