Immediate Venture Bitcore Surge



My new belly dancer is a real departure from those I have featured until now. I found her thanks to my new twitter friend who has great taste in music although not such great taste in belly dancers except for this one and for my cousin (but then I told him about the latter!). Anyhow, what is interesting about Rebecca‘s dance in this clip is that she is doing it to a piece of classical music, Beethoven’s violin concerto. I don’t remember ever seeing a belly dancer gyrate to anything but rhythmic mostly belly dance music — well, Shakira does to pop music although not as continuous dances; only the occasional movement/s. In any case, orthodox or not,  Vasile’s choreography works and the whole dance is quite mesmerising. She has a beautiful body and she moves it to great effect. Hope you enjoy her as much as I did and thank you Ameen for the virtual introduction.