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I must have been born under a lucky star, at least as far as friendship is concerned. I have friends everywhere, and where I don’t, I have friends who are happy to share their friends with me. This is what happened when I went to China. I had introductions to the most delightful people who have now become friends. Not only that, but Mei, my wonderful friend who founded Wild China, offered me a great three-day foodie tour of Beijing which made all the difference to our stay there. We also struck it lucky with our guide Steven, who couldn’t have been more charming. He took us everywhere from the serene Temple of Heaven to the spectacular Forbidden City to the fabulous Great Wall, and in between we ate at delicious restaurants, visited the most amazing markets and learned how to stir-fry and make dumplings and noodles. And I discovered a new favourite street food, jianbing which is the Chinese equivalent of both the French crepe and the Emirati regag, depending on who is making them.

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