Immediate Venture Bitcore Surge



I am taking a break from the Oxford Symposium to post my belly dancer of the month. It is this time again! And this month I bring you a very pretty one called Thuraya Salem who seems to be unknown. No Wikipedia entry, no postings on belly dancing sites. Nothing. So, I can’t tell you much about her except that she is gorgeous and moves rather well. I am not even sure which film the clip is from except that it must be one from the golden age of Egyptian cinema where each film had at least one belly dance scene, either in a cabaret as in this one or at a wedding or a party or in a cafe or anywhere really. Any excuse was good enough to feature a belly dancer. I like Thuraya and I am hoping that one of you watching this clip will be able to tell me something about her!


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Anissa: Two days ago, it was time for my belly dancer of the month and now it is time for anther brilliant guest post by Charles Perry. It all came about because of this year’s Oxford symposium‘s theme, Wrapped and Stuffed, and when Charles sent me the pictures of the Uzbek mantis you see in this post, not only did I want to have some immediately but I thought the subject would make a great post, so, I asked Charles to send me something about them together with a recipe and here is what he has to say about this delicious looking and sounding breakfast pasta.

Charles: About 15 years ago, I spent a morning in the Nu’mankhojaev household (OK, no more Uzbek surnames from now on) eating mass quantities of potato and pumpkin manti while drinking Georgian and Armenian brandy and watching Caspar, the Friendly Ghost cartoons dubbed in Russian. That’s the sort of breakfast you don’t forget.

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