About My Blog

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I am a food writer, cookery teacher and twice a year, I lead culinary tours to Syria, Turkey & Morocco. I grew up in Beirut and spent my summers as a young thing in Meshta al-Helou in Syria, which is my father’s ancestral home. It used to be only family but now it is a large summer resort. I left home many, many years ago and have lived in London ever since, with stints in Paris & Kuwait. Back in London now, living in a gorgeous loft in Shoreditch. The advantage is that I have a fabulous kitchen. The disadvantage is that Shoreditch at the weekend is a nightmare, with thousand of alcohol tourists roaming the streets. Still, a great place to live & work. You can find out more about me and my books on the relevant pages of my website.

Please note that all what you read here is my own opinion and should not be taken as expert advice.

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