Immediate Venture Bitcore Surge


sheep's head

Or to be more accurate in a pick up van on the street. I love these startling sights that are quite common throughout the Middle East. I was in Aleppo I think when I spotted this poor animal. As luck would have it, I was with Jason Lowe who doesn’t need introducing, and only he can make something so gruesome look so beautiful. I love this picture and it’s a perfect follow-up on the lamb testicles post to illustrate the quick passage from freshly slaughtered to the butcher’s counter.ย  The sheep was about to be unloaded at a local butcher who was going to skin and butcher it.

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  • Warning: Undefined array key 36 in /data/40/0/131/109/783598/user/802494/htdocs/anissahelou/wp-content/themes/Anissa/functions.php on line 377

    What startling immediacy! For a moment, my eyes saw de Zurbaranโ€™s Agnus Dei. Thank you, Anissa.

  • Warning: Undefined array key 36 in /data/40/0/131/109/783598/user/802494/htdocs/anissahelou/wp-content/themes/Anissa/functions.php on line 377

    perhaps this is one of the reasons i love this photo so much. it is like an old master painting. the colours are just gorgeous and jason hasn’t really worked on it yet. so glad you like it.

  • Warning: Undefined array key 36 in /data/40/0/131/109/783598/user/802494/htdocs/anissahelou/wp-content/themes/Anissa/functions.php on line 377

    This really captures the aesthetics and traditions of a society much closer to its food. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, it’s real, which is refreshing in and of itself.

  • Warning: Undefined array key 36 in /data/40/0/131/109/783598/user/802494/htdocs/anissahelou/wp-content/themes/Anissa/functions.php on line 377

    glad you think so brenda.

  • Warning: Undefined array key 36 in /data/40/0/131/109/783598/user/802494/htdocs/anissahelou/wp-content/themes/Anissa/functions.php on line 377

    In these heated days of political correctness, it is both bewildering, refreshing and yes, mesmerizingand haunting too, to see such an image; one which reminds us how you must travel and see into a culture, before you can judge it with the same criteria you’ve used before – this photo reminds me that there are other people and customs and ways of life and different ways to find beauty. Thank you. It is a stunning photo.

  • Warning: Undefined array key 36 in /data/40/0/131/109/783598/user/802494/htdocs/anissahelou/wp-content/themes/Anissa/functions.php on line 377

    thanks jennifer. jason is a great photographer and i love coming across such scenes ๐Ÿ™‚

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