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It’s official. Kitty Fotsaty is my new favourite belly dancer. I had never heard of Kitty until I started looking for my belly dancer for August. Still, she must have been a big star in her day. The film from which this clip is taken seems to be a lavish production and in other clips that I watched, she stars alongside Ismail Yassin who was the biggest Egyptian comedian of his time — just as big as Laurel & Hardy and just as hilarious. But to go back to Kitty, she has a beautiful body, thinner than the average belly dancer but very shapely; and she doesn’t have a silly expression as she dances. In fact, she is very pretty and very cute; and I just love her sinuous, supremely sexy movements. I am dedicating this video to all those civil servants who surf the net on taxpayers money in search of belly dance classes! Thank you Fuchsia for this amusing bit of news.

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