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In fact, it should be my belly dancers for november as I have decided to bring you more than one this month. I don’t know much about them but they seem to be from way back when belly dancers dressed more fully and engaged in acrobatics, with one looking more like a whirling dervish gone mad than like a belly dancer. It is a departure from the sexy ones I have featured in the past, but I rather like the fully clothed style, especially the rather bizarre Edwardian dancer who thinks it is a good idea to dance with a wooden chair clenched between her teeth. When she is not dancing with the chair she reminds me of the show girls in Victorian and Edwardian postcards. Here is one of Miss Gabrielle Ray as “Frou Frou” in the Merry Widow, although looking at her costume she could have easily been a belly dancer!

victorian postcard-miss frou frou copy

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